Frequently Asked Questions

When is my monthly membership charged?

Your monthly membership is automatically renewed and charged every 30 days. So, if you sign up on the 1st of the month, you would be charged on the 30th of that same month. Your 30-day trial membership starts the moment you receive your welcome email.

Do you support other languages?

At this time, we do have Spanish-translated marketing tools available, but we do not currently support other languages.

Can I post to Facebook Groups?

Yes! We encourage you to both join and post to our Facebook group. You can request to join here. A member of our team will approve your membership request within a few hours.

Am I allowed to share the flyers and other graphics to my social media?

Yes, please do! You are free to share the pieces we create for you anywhere you wish, social media, or in person as long as you are a Power Agent®!

Is my information secure and private?

Yes, our servers are secure and we would never share your information with anyone.

How do I cancel?

Your Power Agent membership can be canceled by emailing or by calling us at 800-395-3905 ext. 704!

Do you have a trial?

Yes! We offer a 30-day $5 USD trial that you can sign up for here. After the 30-day $5 USD trial, the membership costs $47 USD/month.

Do you offer telephone support?

Yes, we offer telephone support from 9 am-5 pm Monday through Friday. If you have a question outside of those hours, please leave a message and a member of our team will get back to you first thing the next business day! Our office number is 800-395-3905.

Do you offer refunds?

We do not offer refunds for months already billed.

Why have I not received my password?

It’s not uncommon that spam filters wreak havoc with receiving emails. We suggest you check your junk/spam folder for an email that contains the words "power agent". Most spam folders automatically delete emails after 30 days, if you need us to resend it - just reach out!

What if I miss the weekly coaching call with Darryl?

We encourage you to email your coaching question before the call. If you are not on the call, Darryl will read your question out loud to everyone on the call, and give you his advice. The call is recorded and posted in the Coaching Calls tab of the Classroom so you can listen to it later on.

Can anyone call themselves a Power Agent® or use it in their marketing?

Power Agent® and The Power Program® are registered trademarks of Darryl Davis Seminars, so therefore only current coaching members, who are in good standing, can use those trademarks in their marketing materials. A Power Agent® is in good standing when they have an active membership that they are paying on a monthly basis.